
How to Delete Contacts in Telegram

As your contact list grows, you might find it necessary to remove some contacts for various reasons. In this article, we will guide you step-by-step on how to delete contacts in Telegram, ensuring you can manage your contacts efficiently.

Accessing Your Contacts

Before you can delete contacts on Telegram, you need to access your contact list. To do this:

  1. Launch the Telegram app on your device.
  2. Tap on the menu icon (three horizontal lines) in the top-left corner of the screen.
  3. From the menu that appears, select “Contacts”.

Locating the Contact to Delete

Once you’re in the “Contacts” section, you’ll see a list of all the contacts you’ve saved in Telegram. Now, to find the contact you want to delete:

  1. Scroll through the list to locate the specific contact you wish to remove.
  2. You can also use the search bar at the top of the screen to quickly find the contact by typing their name.

Initiating the Deletion Process

After identifying the contact you want to delete, follow these steps:

  1. Long-press on the contact’s name or profile picture to select it.
  2. Once selected, you’ll see a checkmark or a tick next to the contact’s name.
  3. At the top of the screen, you’ll see a trash bin icon or a delete button. Tap on it.

Confirming the Deletion

Telegram will now prompt you to confirm the deletion:

  1. A pop-up will appear, asking if you’re sure you want to delete the contact.
  2. Select “Yes” or “OK” to proceed with the deletion.
  3. In some versions of Telegram, you might be asked to reconfirm by tapping on “Delete” again.

Contact Successfully Deleted

Congratulations! You have successfully deleted the contact from your Telegram account. The contact will no longer appear in your Telegram contact list.

Syncing Changes Across Devices

If you use Telegram on multiple devices, it’s essential to note that the contact deletion will sync across all your linked devices. Once you delete a contact, it will be removed from your Telegram account on all devices.

Handling Deleted Conversations

After deleting a contact, you might wonder what happens to your existing conversations with that contact. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Conversation History: Deleting a contact does not automatically delete your conversation history with them. Your chat history will still be available, but the contact’s name will appear as “Deleted Account”.
  2. Deleting Conversations: If you want to remove the chat history as well, you can do so manually. Simply open the conversation with the deleted contact, tap on the menu icon (three vertical dots), and select “Delete Chat”.

Removing a Blocked Contact

If you’ve blocked a contact on Telegram and later decide to unblock them, you might wonder if the contact will be automatically added back to your contact list. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Unblocking a Contact: To unblock a contact, go to the contact’s chat or find them in the “Blocked Users” list in Telegram’s settings. Then, tap on “Unblock” to remove the block.
  2. Not Automatically Added: Unblocking a contact does not automatically add them back to your contact list. You will need to add the contact manually if you wish to have them in your Telegram contacts again.

Ensuring Account Privacy

Privacy is crucial when managing your contacts, and Telegram provides several features to protect your account:

  1. Two-Step Verification: Consider enabling two-step verification in Telegram for an extra layer of security. This feature prompts you to enter a password whenever you log in from a new device.
  2. Delete Account Option: In case you no longer want to use Telegram, you can delete your account entirely. Go to Telegram’s settings, select “Privacy and Security”, then “Delete My Account”. Keep in mind that this action is irreversible and will delete all your account data.

Frequently Update Your Contact List

Regularly reviewing and updating your contact list is essential for keeping it relevant and organized. Remove contacts of people you no longer communicate with and add new ones as needed. This practice ensures a smoother messaging experience.

Benefits of a Clean Contact List

A well-maintained contact list offers several advantages:

  1. Efficient Communication: With fewer cluttered contacts, you can quickly find and reach out to the people you need to communicate with.
  2. Enhanced Privacy: Deleting old or unwanted contacts can help protect your privacy by reducing the number of people with access to your information.
  3. Improved App Performance: A leaner contact list can lead to improved app performance, especially for older devices.


Managing your contacts on Telegram is a simple task that can help you keep your communication streamlined and organized. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can effortlessly delete unwanted contacts from your Telegram account and enjoy a clutter-free messaging experience.


Can I recover a deleted contact on Telegram?

As of the current version, Telegram does not have a built-in option to recover deleted contacts. Once you delete a contact, it cannot be restored. You would need to add the contact again manually.

2. Will deleting a contact notify them?

No, when you delete a contact on Telegram, the other person will not receive any notification. The contact will simply be removed from your account’s contact list.

3. Can I delete multiple contacts simultaneously?

Unfortunately, Telegram does not have a bulk delete option for contacts. You need to delete contacts one by one using the steps mentioned above.

4. Does deleting a contact affect group interactions?

No, deleting a contact from your Telegram account does not impact group interactions. The contact will be removed only from your personal contact list.

5. Can I delete a contact without blocking them?

Yes, deleting a contact is different from blocking them. Deleting a contact only removes them from your contact list, while blocking restricts their ability to contact you.

Will deleting a contact notify them?

No, when you delete a contact on Telegram, the other person will not receive any notification. The contact will simply be removed from your account’s contact list.

Does deleting a contact affect group interactions?

No, deleting a contact from your Telegram account does not impact group interactions. The contact will be removed only from your personal contact list.

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