
Where To Share YouTube Videos To Get More Views: A Strategic Guide

Creating captivating content is just the first step; getting it in front of the right audience is equally crucial. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore strategic ways to share your YouTube videos, increasing visibility and maximizing views. Let’s embark on a step-by-step journey to enhance your video-sharing game.

YouTube Video Sharing Basics

The journey begins on YouTube itself. Utilize the platform’s built-in sharing options by clicking on the Share button below your video. Direct sharing to social media platforms and generating a unique video link for external sharing are the foundational steps in expanding your video’s reach.

Leveraging Social Media Platforms

Tap into the vast audience potential of social media. Share your videos on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Craft engaging captions, utilize relevant hashtags, and consider posting at peak engagement times to maximize visibility.

  1. Facebook:

    • Audience: Diverse user base across age groups.
    • Sharing Features: Utilize the Share button on YouTube to post directly to Facebook. Craft engaging captions, add relevant hashtags, and encourage comments for increased visibility.
    • Best Practices: Leverage Facebook Groups for niche communities. Schedule posts during peak engagement times, and consider creating a Facebook Page dedicated to your content.
  2. Twitter:

    • Audience: Real-time updates attract a dynamic audience.
    • Sharing Features: Share YouTube videos by posting the video link directly or using Twitter Cards for a more visual preview. Incorporate trending hashtags and mention relevant influencers or communities.
    • Best Practices: Engage with retweets, replies, and likes. Participate in Twitter chats related to your niche, and utilize multimedia tweets for greater impact.
  3. Instagram:

    • Audience: Visual-centric platform appealing to younger demographics.
    • Sharing Features: Share teaser clips or captivating images with a link to the full video in your bio. Utilize Instagram Stories and IGTV for longer-form content.
    • Best Practices: Craft visually appealing captions, use relevant hashtags, and collaborate with influencers for cross-promotion. Leverage Instagram’s video features for creative engagement.
  4. YouTube Communities:

    • Audience: Specific to YouTube users and content creators.
    • Sharing Features: Join relevant communities related to your content niche. Share videos within these communities and actively participate in discussions.
    • Best Practices: Provide value to the community beyond self-promotion. Engage with other creators, offer insights, and build relationships for mutual support.
  5. Forums (e.g., Reddit):

    • Audience: Niche-specific communities with passionate users.
    • Sharing Features: Participate in relevant subreddits by sharing videos in response to queries or discussions. Avoid spamming and focus on providing valuable content.
    • Best Practices: Understand each subreddit’s rules, engage authentically, and use Reddit’s voting system to gauge community interest.
  6. Email Marketing:

    • Audience: Subscribers who have opted to receive updates.
    • Sharing Features: Include video links in newsletters or dedicated email campaigns. Encourage subscribers to share content with their networks.
    • Best Practices: Craft compelling email subject lines, personalize content, and maintain consistency in your email marketing schedule.
  7. LinkedIn:

    • Audience: Professional network with a focus on business and industry.
    • Sharing Features: Share video content within LinkedIn posts, articles, or on your profile. Leverage LinkedIn’s professional environment to showcase informative and industry-specific content.
    • Best Practices: Craft thought-provoking captions, engage in industry discussions, and connect with professionals in your field.
  8. Pinterest:

    • Audience: Visual discovery platform with a predominantly female user base.
    • Sharing Features: Create visually appealing pins for your videos. Use engaging descriptions and link directly to your YouTube video or playlist.
    • Best Practices: Focus on high-quality visuals, create niche-specific boards, and leverage Pinterest’s search-friendly environment.

Remember, the effectiveness of each platform depends on your content niche and target audience. Tailor your sharing strategies to align with the unique features and demographics of each social media platform, and consistently analyze performance metrics to refine your approach.

YouTube Communities and Forums

Engage with the YouTube community by joining relevant groups and forums. Actively participating in discussions and sharing your content within these communities not only increases views but also fosters a sense of community around your channel.

Collaborating with Influencers

Build relationships with influencers in your niche. Collaborate on content and mutually share each other’s videos. Leveraging influencer audiences can significantly expand your reach and introduce your content to new viewers.

Embedding Videos on Blogs and Websites

Extend your reach beyond YouTube by embedding videos on blogs and websites. Utilize embed codes provided by YouTube to seamlessly showcase your content. This strategy is effective in reaching diverse audiences across different platforms.

Email Marketing Strategies

Incorporate video links into your email marketing campaigns. Encourage subscribers to share your videos within their networks, leveraging the power of word-of-mouth and personal recommendations.

Utilizing Video Playlists

Organize your content into playlists to encourage continuous viewing. Viewers are more likely to share entire playlists, increasing the overall visibility of your videos. This strategy also enhances user experience by providing a curated selection.

Engaging with Online Communities

Participate in relevant online forums and communities related to your content. Actively engage with discussions, share insights, and strategically insert links to your videos where appropriate. This approach helps build credibility within your niche.

Promoting on Q&A Platforms

Answering questions on platforms like Quora can drive targeted traffic to your videos. Provide valuable insights in your responses and include video links to offer additional in-depth content to curious users.

Leveraging Niche-Specific Platforms

Explore platforms that cater specifically to your industry or niche. Sharing your content on these platforms ensures that it reaches an audience already interested in the topics you cover.

Timing and Frequency Considerations

Identify peak times when your target audience is most active. Schedule your video sharing during these periods for optimal visibility. Additionally, maintain a consistent sharing schedule to keep your audience engaged over time.

Encouraging Viewers to Share

Integrate clear calls-to-action (CTAs) within your videos, encouraging viewers to share the content with their networks. Create shareable content that resonates emotionally or provides valuable information, prompting organic sharing.

Monitoring Analytics and Referral Sources

Regularly monitor YouTube analytics to track referral sources. Understand which platforms are driving the most traffic and adjust your sharing strategies accordingly. This data-driven approach ensures you focus on the most effective channels.


In conclusion, sharing your YouTube videos strategically is a powerful tool for expanding your audience. By leveraging various platforms, engaging with communities, and optimizing your sharing strategies, you can significantly increase views and create a lasting impact on your channel’s growth.


  1. Q: Can I share my YouTube videos on multiple social media platforms simultaneously?
    • A: Yes, you can use the YouTube Share button to simultaneously share your videos on various social media platforms.
  2. Q: How often should I share my videos on social media for maximum impact?
    • A: Consider a balance between frequency and relevance. Aim for consistency, but ensure each share adds value to your audience.
  3. Q: Are there specific times when it’s best to share videos for maximum visibility?
    • A: Yes, identify peak engagement times for your target audience. Experiment with different time slots and analyze analytics for optimal results.
  4. Q: How do I track the performance of my shared videos?
    • A: Utilize YouTube analytics to monitor referral sources. Identify which platforms are driving traffic and adjust your sharing strategies based on performance data.
  5. Q: Is there a recommended length for video-sharing captions on social media?
    • A: Keep captions concise and engaging. Aim for a length that provides enough context without losing the viewer’s interest, usually within 150-200 characters.

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